13 Reasons to drink GreenWitch Tea ~ in a nutshell: Fairtrade, organic, sourcing, tiny green footprint, eco-friendly, purity, taste, quality, value, artistry, service, ethic and love.
13 Reasons to drink GreenWitch Tea ~ elaboration
Fairtrade ~ this means every worker from every tea garden that we source our tea from, is paid a fair wage, knows their craft, is looked after in all aspects of their health and safety, and has been educated in the philosophy of passing their skills on to the next generation(1)(2).
Organic ~ all of our overseas teas are certified organic, and our Australian teas are grown and harvested by organic practices (i.e. pesticide, fungicide and herbicide free). ‘Organic’ benefits the tea grower, the tea drinker, the environment, and all beings who share the environment with us(3)(4).
Sourcing ~ we source our tea with love; for the grower, the drinker and for mother earth. We only buy our teas from family tea gardens or village co-operatives, ensuring that money goes back into the education and health care of workers, their families, and the village as a whole. This helps to keep small and village businesses running and in turn helps to loosen the grip of multi-nationals in that area.

Tiny green footprint and eco-friendly ~ GreenWitch Tea genuinely wants to leave this world a better place because we were here. So everything we do, we do with care; for people, for animals, and for the greater good. Our office is solar powered, we are carbon neutral, we support other businesses that are carbon neutral, and we lobby politicians to use green energy practices wherever is humanly possible.
Our canisters and pouches are re-usable, our heat-sealed bags are biodegradable, our printing is done on recycled or forest sustainable paper, and our inks are made from soy and contain no chemical nasties.
On top of that, the GreenWitch Tea Team has committed to planting 10,000 trees over five years. Two and a half years in, we are already over the 6,000 tree mark, something we are really proud of, and incredibly rewarded by, with birds, butterflies and critters visiting ‘our forest’ daily.
Purity, taste and quality ~ we source only loose leaf, single estate, sustainably grown, pure green teas. Teas grown in fertile soil and in pristine air. Teas that have a clarity to their colour and fragrance, a delightful subtlety to their flavour, and are equally superb sipped in solitude or savoured as a cup of joy shared with friends.
Value ~ we believe our teas offer exceptional value for their fineness(5). We are able to do this by sourcing directly from the tea garden (cutting out middle people) and keeping our profit margin to something we think is fair for all.

Artistry ~ we believe that tea is an art form. To this end, we have made sure our teas are grown traditionally by highly skilled tea artisans, in accordance with nature and the seasons, and in a way sustains and honours nature and earth.
Service, ethic and love ~ we believe in being fair, ethical and compassionate in all our dealings. And we are dedicated to bringing this sensibility to our tea. Our hope is, that we not only provide you with an enchanting tea drinking experience, but also, by ripples and osmosis, we spread a little love and magick wherever in the world people are drinking our tea.
Wishing you magick ~ and great tea ~ in your day… GreenWitch Tea
(1) Why buy Fairtrade? (2) Benefits of Fairtrade (3) Why buy Organic Tea?
(4) More reasons to buy organic (5) GreenWitch Tea