The Healing Power of Frankincense has been known, utilised and revered by ancient cultures for thousands of years.
Frankincense, also called olibanum, comes from a shrubby tree belonging to the genus Boswellia. It grows in the deserts of East African and Arabian regions, and can be so ingenious and resilient in its ability to grow, it has been known to grow out of solid rock.
It is an anti-inflammatory(1), antiseptic, antimicrobial, antiviral, astringent, expectorant(2), stimulant, and uterine (strengthens the female reproductive system) and vulnerary (promotes cell growth) tonic(3).
The Egyptians, Romans, Babylonians, Persians, Hebrews, Indians and Chinese, all harness the Healing Power of Frankincense in their medicine, cosmetics, incense, perfumes, and for prayer and meditative rituals.

In Chinese medicine frankincense is used to regulate Qi and blood circulation and to treat skin ulcers. Ayurvedic (Indian) medicine uses it to treat respiratory illnesses, hormonal problems for women, skin infections, wounds and painful joints. And traditional Arabic medicine uses frankincense to relieve toothache, arthritic and rheumatoid pain, fever, and to help with childbirth.
Modern day science has shown that frankincense is an effective pain reliever for rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis generally, inflamed joints, injured muscles, and that it’s extremely effective when used for oral health, including bad breath, gum infections and toothache.
In aromatherapy, frankincense is diffused as an essential oil to alleviate anxiety, anger, stress, and to promote in their place a deep sense of peace and serenity. It is also highly beneficial for respiratory conditions such a catarrh, coughs, bronchitis and asthma.
Frankincense is used in spiritual and religious ceremonies as an incense, anointing oil, to enhance connection, visualisation and insight, and for meditation.
It is a deeply nourishing addition to skin care, promoting cell regeneration, revitalising existing cells, moisturising dry skin, helping to heal acne, reducing scar tissue and stretch marks, and healing all manner of wounds, cuts, and abrasions.
Two simple recipes for you if you would like to utilise the Healing Power of Frankincense at home…
Blend for sore muscles and joints

- 30ml of a light carrier oil such as almond or apricot
- 5 drops of frankincense essential oil
- 5 drops of juniper essential oil
- 5 drops of rosemary oil
Add all the oils to a dark glass bottle, shake well (and do so every time prior to using), and use to massage into joints or muscles any time they are sore.
Blend for headaches
- 30ml of a light carrier oil such as almond or apricot
- 5 drops of frankincense
- 5 drops of lavender
- 3 drops pf peppermint
Add all the oils to a dark glass bottle, shake well (and do so every time prior to using), and use to massage gently into the temples and base of your neck if you have a headache.
The Healing Power of Frankincense will help you to let go of nervous tension, disconnect from your mind’s non-stop chatter, or alleviate your pain. Using Frankincense as a resin or oil is a beautifully healing way to provide your body~spirit’s needs when the day feels overwhelming or the moment calls for contemplation. May your magick serve you well. ~ GreenWitch Tea(4).
Please note: do not use frankincense if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Also note: I offer this blog as information, not instruction. Please consult with your personal health practitioner or doctor for your specific needs.
(1) Anti-inflammatory (2) Natural expectorants (3) Medicinal properties of frankincense (4) GreenWitch Tea
4 Comments. Leave new
I mix frankincense, lavender,and lemon essential oils with coconut oil for my facial and body oil…can you suggest any other items to further enhance this mixture…?
Hi Rucelle, well done for being your own alchemist :-)) How are you finding the lemon oil? It is effective for people with oily skin, but otherwise it can be a little drying… Without knowing your skin, my only suggestion would be to add either rosehip or evening primrose oil to the coconut and essential oils either or both of them are extremely healing and deeply hydrating.
Lemon helps to hydrate the skin I use it in my skincare for that reason. Only very low dilutions. As GreenWithch says it depends on your skin condition.
Coconut oil is Fab for the body, it can be too much for the face and recent research recommends not using on the face. If it isn’t causing clogging of the pores and you are happy with it no worries.
I LOVE Frankincense for many reasons!
Thanks for your comment Julie, I too, do not use coconut oil on my face, it feels too heavy. But my hair loves it :-))
Many blessings )o(