Mojo Bags

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Mojo Bags are also called spell bags, medicine bags, charm bags, gris-gris bags, prayer bags, and amulets.

Traditional Mojo Bags originated in Africa and are integrated with a folk magick called Hoodoo (1), not to be confused with Voodoo which is an actual religion. They are given names, fed, and maintained a certain way.

However, I am not writing from a traditional Hoodoo Mojo Bags perspective, but rather from an individual talisman, personalised magick perspective.

Of course some folk reading this don’t believe in magick, so an understanding of the word magick is needed here. There is ‘magic’ meaning illusion (such as that which the brilliant David Copperfield (2) engages in). And then there is magick ~ which for me is a blending of ritual, nature, intention and connection. (That is connection with all beings and natural objects ~ people, critters, trees, rocks, water, air, earth, the cosmos.)

What are Mojo Bags?

Mojo Bags are small bags that are worn or kept somewhere personal such as under a pillow or on an altar, that have been filled with a mix of specifically chosen items to help achieve a desired result.

How do you make a Mojo Bag?

Start with a small, lovely bag, which you can either make yourself or buy. If you are going to make it yourself, choose a soft, natural material; cotton, hemp or felt are all excellent.

mojo bags

Either cut the material into two pieces of a desired shape and sew them together leaving an opening, or simply use a square or circle of the fabric, that you will place your items in the centre of, and tie tightly when you have finished.

mojo bags

Set an intention

  • What is the bag for ~ love, luck, money, protection, safe travels?
  • Choose the items to go into your bag, based upon your intention. Each item should have its own purpose and should also support your overall intention.
  • For love you might choose a rose quartz crystal, a heart shaped charm, some dried rose petals, a written intention or name, and a few sprigs of dried lavender.
  • For protection you might choose a small piece of obsidian (3), some frankincense, black beans, a silver charm that you feel affords you protection, and a pinch of fennel or elder.
  • Other items might include stones, shells, herbs, crystals, good luck charms, coins, stone or wood carvings, leaves or feathers.
  • Fill your bag with an odd number of items (at least three).
  • Visualise your intention very clearly as you put each item in your Mojo Bag.

When your bag is full of your items, wind a cord around the open end several times, with enough length left that you can wear it around your neck if that is what you wish to do. Otherwise you can tuck or pin it into any part of your clothing.

Say an incantation, prayer, or spoken intention over your Mojo Bag to lock in your energy.

Light some incense (I use white sage) and pass your bag through the smoke several times to purify the contents. Again, state your intention with clarity and vision.

mojo bags

Folk magick is based upon the idea that everything is alive, i.e. everything has a rhythm and an energy (science will tell you the same thing, the genius works of Nikola Tesla (4) are a fine example). If you do not keep infusing your intention into something, the contents will not hold your energy. So for the lifetime of your Mojo Bag keep setting your intention and locking in your energy. You may wish to do this as a ritual, say once per week, or simply anytime the inclination takes you.

Enjoy and treasure your mojo bag. It is unique to you and infused with your essence, it is only for you to see and touch. May your magick serve you well. ~ GreenWitch Tea

The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper. ~ W.B. Yeats

 (1) What is Hoodoo (2) David Copperfield

(3) Obsidian (4) Nikola Tesla

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7 Comments. Leave new

  • Mojos are traditionally made for an individual, and so must be concealed on the person at all times. Men usually keep the trinkets hidden in the pants pocket, while women are more prone to clip it to the bra . They are also commonly pinned to clothes below the waist. Depending on the type of mojo, the hiding place will be crucial to its success, as those who make conjure bags to carry love spells sometimes specify that the mojo must be worn next to the skin.

  • I would like a Mojo bag. For luck
    I fell I have lost all hope of getting any luck

  • Latasia Townsend
    January 4, 2021 9:57 pm

    What happens if you open a mojo bag? Someone made me one a year ago and I opened it by accident.

  • I Truly Believe making a mojo bag like the Native American Will Protect u and Love Intentions and Properity Blessings but u have to put your own intentions and u have to do the Ritual like a weekly Prayer into it and believe it Faith.IMy intention for my personal MoJo is Love,Protection,and
    property Blessing I start to wear it next to my Wallet and Close to my skins🙌As tyme go by I will add Ticks like Crystals EtcEtc🙌


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