This Raw Caramel Chocolate Slice is another of my own recipes. It is raw, vegan, gluten free, incredibly healthy, and totally scrumptious. I use organic ingredients only (kind to all who eat it and to Mother Earth), but that is up to you.
Do not let the three layers put you off, there is no cooking and it is a really simple recipe.
Base for Raw Caramel Chocolate Slice
- 1 cup of almonds or macadamias
- ½ cup of fresh medjool dates, pips removed (5-6 dates)
- 2 tablespoons melted coconut oil
- 3 tablespoons of cacao powder (1)
- 1 tablespoon flaxseed (2)
- 1 tablespoon of agave or maple syrup
Caramel for Raw Caramel Chocolate Slice
- ¼ cup of almond butter
- 2 tablespoons of unhulled tahini
- 1 tablespoon of agave or maple syrup
- ¼ cup of fresh medjool dates, pips removed (2-3 dates)
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
- ¼-½ cup of chopped almonds

Top for Raw Caramel Chocolate Slice
- 3 tablespoons melted coconut oil
- 1 tablespoon of agave or maple syrup
- 50 gram (thereabouts) chunk of vegan dark chocolate (3)
- 3 tablespoons of raw cacao powder
Base ~ combine all base ingredients in a blender or processor and mix until it is like fine crumbs. Line a rectangular cake tin (20cm x 14cm) with baking paper. Spread the base evenly over the tin and put it in the freezer while you prepare the other two layers.
Caramel ~ combine all ingredients, except the chopped almonds, in a blender or processor, and blend until smooth. Retrieve the base from the freezer, and spread the caramel evenly over the base. Sprinkle two thirds of the chopped nuts (the remainder are sprinkled on the top layer) over the caramel and place back in the freezer.
Top ~ melt the coconut oil in a saucepan over low heat, add the chunk of chocolate, and stir until melted. Remove from the heat and whisk in the cacao and agave syrup and keep whisking until the mix is totally smooth. Retrieve your tin from the freezer again, pour the chocolate over the caramel, and sprinkle the remaining chopped nuts over the chocolate. Place back in the freezer and allow to set for 3-4 hours.
When set, cut into squares (as a guide, I suggest 16 to 20 squares). I keep mine in an airtight container in the freezer, and find they keep perfectly for two weeks this way. Just remove the slices from the freezer five minutes before serving.
An enchanting tea to go with your Caramel Chocolate Slice, I think is Shincha (4). Shincha is smooth, velvety and luxurious, and compliments this sweet perfectfully.

Enjoy your caramel slice and GreenWitch Tea… and have a magickal day. ~ GreenWitch Tea
Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos – the trees, the clouds, everything. ~Thich Nhat Hanh
(1) Health benefits of cacao (2) Health benefits of flaxseed
(3) Health benefits of dark chocolate (4) Shincha
2 Comments. Leave new
thanks greenwitch tea you do amazing blogs, and i always look forward to them.
they are so educational and fun, and its so easy to order your teas and know that they are sourced with love and care
Thanks Mark… Beaming here, I am happy you enjoy my blogs, and my tea… Many blessings.