Food for Healthy Skin is the cornerstone for a natural glow as healthy skin starts from within. Your diet largely determines the health of your cells (which are the building blocks of your skin and every other part of your body). Given that your skin is your largest organ, it is usually the first part of your body to show that your diet is nutrient deficient.
Conversely, the more natural and nutrient dense your diet is, the more radiant your skin will be. ‘Natural and nutrient dense’ read: plant based, non-processed, rainbow coloured, and rich in antioxidants, protein and good fats.
If natural and nutrient dense is not the way you eat already and you do not wish to do a major overhaul right now, please appreciate there are still certain foods you can add into your diet that give you huge bang for your buck in terms of skin health.
Food for Healthy Skin (part two to my ‘Healthy Skin’ Blog posted two weeks ago)
Nuts ~ especially walnuts and brazil nuts ~ are rich in healthy fats (to plump up your skin cells and stop premature ageing), vitamin E (which helps protect your skin from environmental damage such as UV rays, chemicals and pollution) and a whole range of minerals (including magnesium, potassium, zinc and calcium) all of which are needed for the integrity of your cell structure.
Seeds ~ chia, sunflower, hemp and pumpkin in particular ~ are alkalising, loaded with zinc (which helps keep skin youthful) and are a bounty of healthy fats.

Seeds are also brilliant at helping to prevent collagen breakdown. Collagen is the structural protein that gives skin its strength and elasticity (1).
Avocados ~ avocados are abundant in vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids (2) again helping to prevent collagen breakdown, and they are an excellent source of antioxidant carotenoids which, along with vitamin E, protect the skin from environmental damage.
Green tea ~ is rich in polyphenols (that help slow down the ageing of your skin), antioxidants, amino acids (the building blocks of protein) and saponins which help give green tea its anti-inflammatory properties (3).
Fresh berries ~ blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries ~ are packed with antioxidants (more protection against environmental damage) and they are mega rich in Vitamin C (4), another nutrient vitally important in preventing collagen breakdown.
Berries also contain many other plant nutrients such as quercetin, catechins and resveratrol, all of which are brilliant for skin suppleness and strength.
Rainbow coloured food ~ the different colours in fresh food provide different nutrients and a range of overall skin and health benefits (5):

- Red: apples, berries, cherries, watermelon, tomatoes, beetroot, red capsicums… for skin integrity, heart health, memory, urinary tract health, lower risk of cancer
- Yellow/orange: apricots, mangoes, cantaloupe, lemons, sweet potato, carrots… for eye health, skin repair, lower blood pressure, lower risk of cancer
- Green: kiwi fruit, green apples, cucumbers, peas, asparagus, celery, green beans, broccoli, all leafy greens (especially mustard greens, kale, coriander and rocket)… for healthy eyes and skin, strong bones and teeth, lower risk of cancer
- Blue/purple blackberries, blueberries, purple grapes, plums, figs, eggplant, purple cabbage, olives… for cell protection, skin suppleness, memory function, focus, brain health, and reduced risk of cancer, stroke and heart disease
- White: bananas, lychees, garlic, ginger, onions, cauliflower, mushrooms, parsnips, turnips, white beans… for skin health, cardiovascular health, and lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
Please note: my blog ‘Healthy Skin’ (hyperlink: (2) Omega 3 fats, below) contains information on the benefits of water, coconut oil, and omega oils for the skin.
Engaging in Food for Healthy Skin will not only give you radiant skin, but it will also increase your energy and build your immune system. Hopefully these are wonderful incentives that will keep you motivated. May green tea, health and magick fill your day. ~ GreenWitch Tea
What is called genius is the abundance of life and health. ~ Henry David Thoreau
(1) Collagen (2) Omega 3 fats (3) Green Tea skincare
(4) Vitamin C (5) Eat a rainbow