Healthy Skin is a reflection of your internal health and balance. Like most good things it starts from the inside out. It does not matter what you put onto it, if you are dehydrated, over exposed to the sun, around cigarette smoke, or highly stressed, it is going to show on your skin.
Healthy Skin plays a mega role in your wholistic wellness, and protection of that wellness. Amongst other things…
- It is your frontline defence against bacteria, germs and other invasive organisms
- Waterproofs your body
- Provides insulation
- Cools you down when you overheat, and
- Lets you register pain, pressure, pleasure and temperature; from allowing you the knowledge you have been wounded or that your feet have hit the floor, to registering the warmth of a hug or the coolness of a soft breeze
This is a three part blog; with Parts 2 and 3, ‘Foods for Healthy Skin’ and ‘Homemade Oils for Healthy Skin’, coming up over the next few weeks.
So how do you obtain Healthy Skin, if your skin is not so healthy already…
Drink water ~dehydration robs your skin of radiance. You need a minimum of six full glasses of water per day (taking into account you obtain some water from fruits and vegetables). If you train, are active in any way, sweat considerably, spend time in air conditioning, or have stress in your life, that six glasses will need to increase to eight, ten, or even higher.
Avoid cigarette smoke ~ if you smoke or are around other people who do, it puts a huge toll on your skin. Cigarette smoke destroys your skin’s micro-capillaries, reducing both blood supply and oxygen, which in turn reduces firmness, gives the skin a grey tinge, and increases sagginess and wrinkles (1).

Omega Oils ~ Omega 3 fats in your diet are necessary for healthy skin. They prevent dryness, blemishes, premature ageing, inflammation, psoriasis and eczema. Most people have plenty of Omega 6 fats, what they don’t have is enough Omega 3’s. Excellent plant sources of Omega 3 include flaxseed, chia seeds, hemp and walnuts.
Don’t sweat the small stuff ~ stress plays havoc with your skin. Amongst many other things, stress decreases blood supply to the gut, thereby reducing digestive juices, which means poor digestion follows. If you are not able to digest well, this will lead to an overall sluggish system which takes the shine of your skin and increases skin breakouts (2).
Coconut oil ~ is wonderfully rejuvenating for the skin; both internally and externally. Topically applying coconut oils keeps your skin’s connective tissue strong and supple (3), removes dead skin cells, helps prevent liver spots, and protects against the damage of free radicals from lifestyle factors such as sugar, alcohol, smoking, pollution and stress.
Limit sun exposure ~ sunshine is energy, Vitamin D and zest. However, overexposure to sunshine is damaging. Pretty much 20 minutes at a time, before 10am and after 4pm, is what you need for healthy skin.

Any more than this and you are at risk of burning your skin, which at best dries it out and damages collagen, and at worse causes skin cancer. If you are in the sun between 10am and 4pm, keep covered, meaning with clothing. Whilst sunscreen might block the sun, unless you are wearing a healthy, organic sunscreen, most of them are full of toxic chemicals (4). Which means you may not be burning, but you are putting a large amount of absorbable toxins on your skin.
Green Tea ~ green tea is rich in polyphenols, saponins, amino acids and antioxidants that are specifically healing for the skin. See my Green Tea Skin Care Blog for fun skin treatments you can make at home (5).
Skin is dynamic and it will regenerate if you give it a chance.
By just hydrating properly and using coconut oil, you will start to see increased radiance nearly immediately. When you add nutrition-dense foods that your skin will love, and luscious, homemade face oils (next blogs) your skin will thank you with glow and luminosity.
However even more importantly, do remember, nothing shines as brightly as a smile, gratitude and kindness. ~ GreenWitch Tea
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For beautiful hair, let a child run his fingers through it once a day… Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you’ll find one at the end of your arm. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands: one for helping yourself, the other for helping others… ~ Sam Levenson
(1) Smoking and skin health (2) Effects of stress on the skin
(3) Coconut oil and skin (4) Sunsreens and skin (5) Green Tea Skin Care
4 Comments. Leave new
Imagine me wondering and burning to a blister from and early age. Bless the frogs for I now have results of years of sun damage.. My skin has recently scared me, no lie it’s a mess. Strange to be learning self care at 53. But my gratitude for your teachings; is apart of the healing process!!
Sandra, you are very welcome :-))
Coconut oil is amazing for its healing properties. If you want an extra lovely oil for you face ~ mix 50 ml each of coconut oil, rosehip oil, and aloe vera together. Add 3 drops each of carrot (if you have it), lavender, and rose essential oils. Just beautiful… Blessings to you.
Thanks for sharing this amazingly healthy benefits of coconut oil. It has been a great help. Keep sharing and caring.
You are most welcome, many blessings… )o(