Celebrities love tea for the same reasons everybody else loves tea, because, well… what’s not to love.
Tea is refreshing, calming, energising and healing. It invites you to stop the bustle a while and quietly reflect upon a question in your mind or the magick of your day. It buoys and recharges you when you need a lift. Or it provides creative clarity when you need a little inspiration.

It’s the enjoyment of your favourite cup, your favourite pot and the soothing machinations of actually making your tea.

There is something uniquely pleasing about the ritual of brewing tea, no matter how simply or elaborately you brew it. Measuring out your tea, the scent of the leaves, the colour change as the leaves brew, the sound of the tea pouring into your cup, the delightful taste nuances depending on how long you brew…

And of course there is also the slightly more technical reason that Celebrities love tea, which is the amino acid it contains called L-theanine.
L-theanine boosts alpha waves in the brain. It works in synergy with other compounds in tea (such as caffeine) to reduce stress and anxiety, improve overall mood and create a state of relaxed alertness.

Green Tea contains more L-theanine than black tea. And the sweeter, fresher and more high-quality your Green Tea is, the more L-theanine it will contain.
So here’s to your abundant health, sip Green Tea often, and have an enchanting day…

‘Tea tempers the spirits and harmonizes the mind, dispels lassitude and relieves fatigue, awakens thought and prevents drowsiness, lightens or refreshes the body, and clears the perceptive faculties.’ ~ Confucius